Official definition (From their ABOUT US page)
One place where the world's nations can
gather together, discuss common problems
and find shared solutions.
The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.
The UN has evolved over the years to keep pace with a rapidly changing world.
But one thing has stayed the same: it remains the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity.
The most impossible job on Earth. So far only 9 people have held the top leadership position in the world’s largest multilateral organization. What does it mean to be UN Secretary-General?
Definitions of the Critics of the UNITED NATIONS
A fraudelent organizations with dangerous tentacles overreaching into all aspects of human life.
As somone recentlly said: The UN can have a fantastic role. But it does not, because it is totally under the control of the oligarchs.
The UN’s self-authorized, ever-expanding, unregulated authority and intrusive social reorganization threatens the fabric of life in the US. Compliance with UN programs (e.g., Agenda21/2030, One Health, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Digital Vaccine Passports, 15 minute cities, etc.) is based upon the presumption of treaty obligation to an organization with which no treaty can exist. All laws, regulations, policies, and agencies implementing any UN program must be reviewed, reversed and/or revoked immediately following the passage of HR:6645/S:3428 Any and all participation, past, present or future, in the UN, et.al.., violates my constitutional rights and protections. (Source: Dr. R. E. Laibow, here)
When was the UN formed?
The United Nations Is Created | Flashback | History (re: the historic signing of the Charter of the United Nations on June 26, 1945. From the speech given by US President Truman on that day: "If we had had this charter a few years ago and, above all, the will to use it, millions now dead would be alive. If we should falter in the future in our will to use it, millions now living will surely die." (See also https://www.un.org/en/about-us/history-of-the-un/preparatory-years)
What is set to happen at the UN Summit of the Future from September 21-23?
The UN SMOTHERS THE PEOPLES WITH COMPASSION (July 2024) "The United Nations (UN) Secretariat will hold the next Summit of the Future in New York on 22-23 September 2024. It is a vast political program covering the noblest of causes including poverty reduction, human rights, environment, climate change, development, and the welfare and rights of children, youth, and women. World leaders are expected to endorse a declaratory Pact for the Future, and commit to act toward its realization. It all looks wonderful. As in days of old, the rich, powerful, and entitled are coming to rescue us from ourselves and make us live better lives. Freedom, after all, is intrinsically unsafe."
Which UN "AGENDAS" are worrisome?
the Failures of the UN General Assembly (Because of the powers given the 5 permanent members)
This video featuring Rosa Koire (Author of BEHIND THE GREEN MASK) from 2013 explains Agenda 21 as the biggest public relations scam, the agenda for the 21s century which enables carbon taxes on industries and individuals, data collection sharing in energy useage, schools, health care, law enforcement, every part of our lives that were previously private, increased drugging and mental illness among the population, indoctrination to support, changes to all land use documents to permit surveillable high density housing, warrantless surveillance, identifying population as potential enemy combattants, global transver of national sovereight to corporate totalitarian state, all currently already underway... incrementally, stealth plan out in plain sight. Under Communitarianism the individuals' rights are "balanced" among the rights of the "community" which is defined by those in control. If you dissent, you are not part of the community. Acceptance of this "new normal" trigged by crisis of global warming/climate change/rising sea levels. 1984 Brundtland Commission "Our Common Future" defined "sustainable development". 1992 Rio Earth Summit was the "action plan" chaired by Canadian Maurice Strong. "The middle class suburban lifestile with air conditioning, vehicles - that is unsustainable, also tillage (need seeding machines) or concrete food growing in concrete buildings downtown. Three E's Economy, Ecology, Equity. Islands of human habitation (collect human beings into concentrated city centres) Apparently in 1992 all nations agreed by consensus to implement sustainable development world wide. Rosa Koire describes who was in the US President's Council on Sustaitanable Development for control at the 17 minute mark and mentions the importantance of Land Use Planning (Growing Smart, legislative guidebook for planning and the management of change.) The need to "neutralize" any opposition, creating "community buy-in."
UN GREEN AGENDA will spark famine (July 2024)
REPLACEMENT MIGRATION (The UN discussed this in 2000. Note: it is not immigrants per se who are seen as problematic, but the way in which countries appear to be letting in unverified people en masse under UN directive and straining local resources that is the issue for many.)
GLOBAL PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS & the UN (July 2024) Decision makers at the UN essentially believe that the principle that respects the sovereignty of nation states is obsolute and must be replaced with Global Public-Private Partnerships involving industry. ("Global Public-Private Partnerships (G3P) are structured collaborations between international intergovernmental organizations, such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Economic Forum, and private companies to achieve shared goals and objectives." This article also explains the Westphalian system, i.e., the "principle that each state has exclusive sovereignty over its territory and domestic affairs, excluding all external powers, and is a fundamental tenet of international law." Furthermore, "Under our current model of Westphalian national sovereignty, the government of one nation cannot make legislation or law in another. However, through global governance, the G3P creates policy initiatives at the global level, which then cascade down to people in every nation. This typically occurs via an intermediary policy distributor, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the national government then enacts the recommended policies." This all goes back to 1998, the address by UN’s then-Secretary-General Kofi Annan to the WEF: "“The United Nations has been transformed since we last met here in Davos. The Organization has undergone a complete overhaul that I have described as a ‘quiet revolution.’…A fundamental shift has occurred. The United Nations once dealt only with governments. By now we know that peace and prosperity cannot be achieved without partnerships involving governments, international organizations, the business community and civil society…The business of the United Nations involves the businesses of the world.” Please continue with the rest of this important article here.
POPULATION CONTROL: THE RECEIPTS This article outlines similarities between United Nations/World Health Organization (WHO) documentation from the 1970s (influenced by the H. KIssinger, mentor of K.Schwab, today's CEO of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and certain effects of COVID-19 mitigation policies (particularly given that the consequences of the policies were NOT UNKNOWN at the time of implementation. "After reading this essay and the supporting documentation, I suggest that each reader should make his/her (they/them?) assessment of the probability that the response to this “public health crisis” was influenced by US Federal population control policy as clearly outlined in the “Kissinger Report.” The report indicates that global population MUST not exceed 8 billion human beings. Is it a coincidence that in 2020 total global human inhabitants reached 7.84 billion?"
UNITED NATIONS NOW CLAIMS TO “OWN THE SCIENCE” re: INFORMATION CONTROL (Oct 2022) "This is what is clear. The measures of the UN, acting with its strategic partner the WEF, to stifle free speech have created a dangerous situation for our country and the world. The United Nations is engaging in psyops operations, on information control on all of us. This is beyond anything we all could have imagined ten years ago. We all used to joke about “1984;” now it just seems like a cliche. Because that future is here."
'SCIENCE' IN SERVICE OF THE AGENDA re: Using manipulated Nutrition Science to support "Climate Science". (January 2024) Similarities of approaches re: toboacco industry, pharmaceutical industry and now those who benefit from the cllimate science industry. "Most climate change scientists receive funding from the government. So they must comply with the government edict and policy position that human activity-caused climate change is an existential threat to both humankind and global ecosystems. When these “scientists” publish studies supporting the thesis that human activities cause climate change, they are more likely to receive more grant monies and therefore more publications and therefore are more likely to be academically promoted (or at least to survive in the dog-eat-dog world of modern academe). Those who produce a counternarrative from the government-approved one soon find themselves without funding, tenure, without jobs, unable to publish and unable to procure additional grants and contracts. It is a dead-end career wise. The system has been rigged." "If the United Nations and the wealthy globalists at the WEF truly want to help nations with high poverty and famine rates and reduce our immigration pressure, they would help them secure stable energy sources. They would help them develop their natural gas and other hydrocarbon projects. Then they could truly feed themselves. They could attain independence. Famine is not a climate change issue; it is an energy issue."
Does the UN Security Council play a role in the World Health Organization?
"The most powerful element of the UN is the Security Council (UNSC), because it can override the sovereignty of the member states. Only the five permanent members of the Security Council (P5) have veto rights; when they agree, they can impose their will on the rest of the world, although this does not happen very often." (George Soros)
The UNSC does discuss health, particularly "when the P5 perceive a particular health issue as a threat to international peace and security, or when the social and economic consequences of a health crisis potentially destabilise countries or regions." https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10357718.2021.2017844
They also briefly list some "health emergencies" that the UNSC contributes to. Among other things, they mention looking at health emergencies through a "gender lens". Further research is needed, on this question to found out what specifically is meant by the wording, or how "health emergencies" would play out via the UNSC. If the wording is left vague, it can be potentially concerning.
Still under construction..
the G3P and related terms
the DEI terms ==> transfer of wealth...
UN has changed its definition without us knowing...
fascism... = crony capitalism = corporatism large companies put it into their business strategies to develop relationships with governments