Official definition (From their ABOUT US page)

One place where the world's nations can
gather together, discuss common problems
and find shared solutions.

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Currently made up of 193 Member States, the UN and its work are guided by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.

The UN has evolved over the years to keep pace with a rapidly changing world.

But one thing has stayed the same: it remains the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity.


The most impossible job on Earth. So far only 9 people have held the top leadership position in the world’s largest multilateral organization. What does it mean to be UN Secretary-General?

Definitions of the Critics of the UNITED NATIONS

A fraudelent organizations with dangerous tentacles overreaching into all aspects of human life. 

As somone recentlly said: The UN can have a fantastic role. But it does not, because it is totally under the control of the oligarchs.

When was the UN formed? 

What is set to happen at the UN Summit of the Future from September 21-23?

Which UN "AGENDAS" are worrisome?

This video featuring Rosa Koire (Author of BEHIND THE GREEN MASK) from 2013 explains Agenda 21 as the biggest public relations scam, the agenda for the 21s century which enables carbon taxes on industries and individuals, data collection sharing in energy useage, schools, health care, law enforcement, every part of our lives that were previously private, increased drugging and mental illness among the population, indoctrination to support, changes to all land use documents to permit surveillable high density housing, warrantless surveillance, identifying population as potential enemy combattants, global transver of national sovereight to corporate totalitarian state, all currently already underway... incrementally, stealth plan out in plain sight. Under Communitarianism the individuals' rights are "balanced" among the rights of the "community" which is defined by those in control. If you dissent, you are not part of the community. Acceptance of this  "new normal" trigged by crisis of global warming/climate change/rising sea levels. 1984 Brundtland Commission "Our Common Future" defined "sustainable development". 1992 Rio Earth Summit was the "action plan" chaired by Canadian Maurice Strong. "The middle class suburban lifestile with air conditioning, vehicles - that is unsustainable, also tillage (need seeding machines) or concrete food growing in concrete buildings downtown. Three E's Economy, Ecology, Equity. Islands of human habitation (collect human beings into concentrated city centres) Apparently in 1992 all nations agreed by consensus to implement sustainable development world wide. Rosa Koire describes who was in the US President's Council on Sustaitanable Development for control at the 17 minute mark and mentions the importantance of Land Use Planning (Growing Smart, legislative guidebook for planning and the management of change.) The need to "neutralize" any opposition, creating "community buy-in."

Does the UN Security Council play a role in the World Health Organization?

 "The most powerful element of the UN is the Security Council (UNSC), because it can override the sovereignty of the member states. Only the five permanent members of the Security Council (P5) have veto rights; when they agree, they can impose their will on the rest of the world, although this does not happen very often." (George Soros) 

The UNSC does discuss health, particularly "when the P5 perceive a particular health issue as a threat to international peace and security, or when the social and economic consequences of a health crisis potentially destabilise countries or regions." https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10357718.2021.2017844

They also briefly list some "health emergencies" that the UNSC contributes to.  Among other things, they mention looking at health emergencies through a "gender lens". Further research is needed, on this question to found out what specifically is meant by the wording, or how "health emergencies" would play out via the UNSC. If the wording is left vague, it can be potentially concerning.

Still under construction..

the G3P and related terms

the DEI terms ==> transfer of wealth...

UN has changed its definition without us knowing... 

fascism... = crony capitalism = corporatism    large companies put it into their business strategies to develop relationships with governments