Gov Gen Call election now!!

Currently both the House of Commons and the Senate are EMPTY.

Governor Genaral Mary Simon agreed to PM Justin Trudeau's request to 

PROROGUE Parliament.

This means he and the Cabinet can meet behind closed doors with his special advisor Mark Carney 

without Opposition or media scrutiny.


This tool will allow you to either send the letter below, or to adapt the wording to make it your own.                       

It is programmed to be sent to the offices of Governor General Mary Simon and King Charles.                                    Using this tool allows a count to be made of the number of messages sent. 

Senders can choose to hide or allow their contact information to be collected. If allowed, contact information will be held in trust by the small non-partisan citizen group who responsible the for e-petition seeking                                                                  to have Canada withdraw from the UN. 


Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms

re: the Illegal Prorogation of Parliament

Defend Canada: Take Action Against Proroguing of Parliament

The Governor General’s recent decision to grant the Prime Minister’ request to prorogue Parliament has violated Canada’s democratic process and further undermined public trust.

Proroguing Parliament is not a trivial matter; it halts legislative debate, freezes critical oversight mechanisms, and stifles democratic accountability. When used to avoid scrutiny or a vote of no confidence, as in this case, unwarranted prorogation can provoke a Constitutional Crisis which is best resolved by either:


Both of these options require massive public outcry to push for a resumption of the rule of law, which has been subverted and violated by Trudeau’s request for, and the Governor General’s acquiescence to that request to suspend the People’s House, Parliament, and allow the Prime Minister to remain in office where his powers are now unchecked.

The Governor General’s prorogation of Parliament has transformed Canada from a nation of law and justice to a raw and unchecked dictatorship.

Canada’s future hangs in the balance. When prorogation is used as a tool to dodge scrutiny, avoid tough debates, or delay the legislative process, it erodes the foundation of our democratic society and sets a dangerous precedent for the future. Worse, it effectively grants the Prime Minister unchecked, dictatorial powers by silencing the voices of elected representatives and leaving critical decisions unexamined.

This latest prorogation is a betrayal of democratic norms. It shields those in power from facing hard questions, obscures government actions, and allows our vital public concerns to go unaddressed. Such actions are dangerously close to the kind of governance under which dictatorships suffer.

Constitutionally based representative democracy survives because engaged citizens hold their leaders accountable. The Governor General holds a ceremonial, yet pivotal, role in upholding Canada’s democratic principles, and it is imperative that this role be carried out in the public interest, not as a rubber stamp for political expediency. This prorogation was approved not because it strengthens and serves the public interest, but because a deeply distrusted and precariously seated Prime Minister who has lost the confidence of not only the opposition, but of his own Party, sought and received permission to become the sole dictator of Canada when the Governor General agreed to suspend the work of Canada’s national legislative and consultative body.

Canada today and Canada tomorrow are under grave threat from the current prorogation. We must oppose and reverse it.

Take a stand with millions of other outraged Canadians. We cannot remain passive as our government – and governance – are distorted this way.

Take the Action on this page to add your voice to the roar: Your letter will help assure that the Governor General fulfills the obligations of her office for the interest of the People, not a would-be tyrant.  Together, we insist on transparency, accountability, and the protection of our democratic institutions. 

Please note: King Charles, the Governor General’s boss, will receive a copy of your letter.

Your voice matters — use it to defend Canada from destruction.

This letter is being shared as another model and to provide background on the issues:

Subject: Prorogation letter to the Governor General

To: <>

This letter is written to Her Excellency Mary Simon

It was a dereliction of duty to Canadians that the Governor General approve the Prime Minister's request to prorogue Parliament. 

 You are hereby on notice of personal liability for taking liberties that frankly oppose your duties to ensure Canadians have a government we have confidence in.  The liberal government does not have the confidence of Parliament or the people.

You had no business  approving the prorogation of government. There is no reasonable basis to suspend the operation of government. 

You have left Canada and Canadians in a weak and vulnerable position.

You have turned what is already the worst minority government into a dictatorship without accountability. 

You frankly may have so departed from your duty of care to Canadians and caused them to be without protection,  as a direct result of your actions in approving prorogation.

Should these actions be found to be malicious, or deliberate in order to provide the Prime Minister political cover or worse, in service to a foreign agenda, then history and your personal liability will align.

You have approved this in violation of the sentiment of the country, of Canadians. 

This government has systematically advanced a legislative agenda that should never pass in a minority government.  Every leader of the opposition has indicated they wish an election. The liberal party is in revolt. We the people want and deserve an election.

Rather than uphold the constitution,  it appears quite frankly you are holding the people hostage.

Release us! Protect us! Your duty is to deliver us an election forthwith.

I demand an election!!!

You must not hide Mr Trudeau in this eligitimate fashion with the veneer of performing  your duty.

You leave Canadians in an untenable vulnerable position.

It is egregious and beyond thinkable that you approve this request of Mr. Trudeau. 

The remedy is an election. There is no confidence in the government. You have what looks like applied a vile partisan decision that holds Canadians hostage from accessing an election.

You must cease and decist from holding us hostage to this absurd prorogation.

The man and party we have lost confidence in cannot now rule from the parapet, dictating to us like we are subjects to this  or their whim.

We require formidably and with all due speed,  an election.

End this farce of prorogation.  It is not disguised in any manner. It is an operation in which you participate- an operation to deprive every Canadian of an election, and government.  You must not be permitted to allow such horrific brinkmenship to halt good government in our beloved country.

I predict, Canadians will be next wondering whether your actions are treasonous. What justification would you have to those questions? 

Please on behalf of the country we love, I request the swift and fullsome retraction of your accordance of prorogation. 

It is my wish that all Canadians write to you until we are protected with a functioning government. I understand a motion has been filed before the courts. 

Please retract this acquiesce to this absurdity of prorogation. That is the first remedy this letter seeks. But it also states we see that you Mary Simon are not acting as a governor  general,. We see you Mary Simon are not protecting Canadians,  Canada or good government.  Where that departure from your role be so gross, this letter informs you Mary Simon, we require a Governor General that upholds and fulfills her responsibility to Canadians. 

Your role will be historic. May it align with your duties to protect  Canadians.  Every minute you leave us vulnerable domestically and on the world stage requires you to consider this. 

With utmost understanding that your actions have failed Canadians,  Canada and the operation  of good government, i sign 


Proud Canadian