to learn about REsisting the UNITED NATIONS
Pact for the future
& Why Canadians support withdrawing from the UN
To demand our Governor General gets Government Going again
LATEST ADDITION to this site: the Gov Gen Call Election NOW!
ABOUT US: We are an informal group of Canadian citizens from various parts of the country, connected by a passion for informing our fellow citizens and law makers about the need to DRASTICALLY REFORM or EXIT from those organizations that currently have SUPRANATIONAL powers over our nation's government - notably the World Health Oganization and the United Nations. Readers wishing to join us will find contact information here.
JAN 20 - All this time Chris George has been keeping readers up to date on UN matters. Please see https://bygeorgejournal.substack.com; https://bygeorgejournal.substack.com/p/ebook-on-globalists-designs-for-canada
SEPT 17 (posted here OCT 17) Chris George uses this post to provide a directory of other posts he has written on various UN related topics, as well as topics on the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other globalist intitatives. https://bygeorgejournal.substack.com/p/the-globalists-agendas-vs-canadians See also his post from October 28 https://bygeorgejournal.substack.com/p/the-world-economic-forum-and-canada
OCT 17 ON journalist Chris George provides numerous examples of a lack of transparency when it comes to Canada's implementation of various UN initiatives in Canada. It is clear that the current government sees UN documentation as binding upon Canada without "the government is proceeding with its UN-related action plan without the authority of the Canadian parliament. Canada is proceeding as if the Pact is a treaty agreement – without having it debated or ratified by our country’s elected representatives. The concern about the UN usurping national sovereignty is currently being forcibly debated in the U.S. by people like Dr. Sherri Tenpenny and Dr. Meryl Nass. In Canada, there has been no such public debate". George concludes: "Canadians must demand greater transparency and accountability of their federal government when it comes to the international commitments made and their taxpayers’ money being shoveled to the global bodies of the UN and associated agencies, WEF, and World Health Organization. Without that transparency and accountability, Canadians have every reason to petition for exiting these organizations." https://bygeorgejournal.substack.com/p/the-united-nations-and-canada ,
SEPT 26 Chris George provides a commentary on the UN's Pact for the Future which was passed at the "Summit of the Future" "The United Nations (UN) often seems like it is operating in an alternative reality, however it is essential for critical thinkers concerned about current affairs to take note of the UN’s grandiose summits, and its the staged deliberations and pronouncements. It is important to acknowledge that there are thousands of globalist technocrats that spend their every waking minute designing how the UN may assert its authority over member countries to meet its global agendas." He also shares the critiques of the "Pact" that had been expresed by US biowarfare expert, Dr. Meryl Nass. And closes with this comment: "The UN has not indicated the pact document is a new treaty, but it does seem the countries are leaving the summit meetings with a new set of objectives and with new, more aggressive policies to enact." https://bygeorgejournal.substack.com/p/the-united-nations-and-its-pact-for
SEPT 24 UN Pushes for Global Control With New Pact: Digital IDs, Censorship, and Surveillance at the Core Posted by RECLAIM THE NET - https://reclaimthenet.org/un-pushes-for-global-control-digital-ids-censorship-and-surveillance
SEPT 22 (posted here Oct 4) Al-Jazeera's reports "The pact, which also includes an annex on working towards a responsible and sustainable digital future, was adopted without a vote on Sunday at the start of a two-day Summit of the Future." ...The adoption of the pact, however, faced a brief delay when Russia’s deputy minister of foreign affairs, Sergey Vershinin, introduced an amendment, emphasising the “principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states”. Russia’s objections were backed by allies Belarus, North Korea, Iran, Nicaragua and Syria, but its amendment was overwhelmingly dismissed in a motion to take no action. “It was somewhat irritating that, in the end, Russia once again tried to stop the whole process,” said German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, co-sponsor of the text. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/9/22/un-aims-to-bring-multilateralism-back-as-it-adopts-pact-for-the-future
SEPT 24 - The tech surveillance watch dog RECLAIM THE NET provides this analysis of the Pact for the Future: https://reclaimthenet.org/un-pushes-for-global-control-digital-ids-censorship-and-surveillance
SEPT 24 - this Rebel News report states that the entire adoption of the Pact for the Future took a mere two seconds because its terms were agreed to by nations in advance (that would include the infamous 3 day Silent Period for at least one document) https://www.rebelnews.com/trudeau_pledges_5_billion_to_global_financing_efforts_at_the_united_nations_pact_for_the_future
SEPT 22 - Today. Dr. Meryl Nass provided a brief update. According to her, the most troublesome section (57) giving the Director General inordinate powers was watered down. See: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-pact-for-the-future-unsurprisingly To see recordings of UN meetings go to: webtv.un.org/en/asset/k1u/k1uo9kxjqs & webtv.un.org/en/schedule/2024-09-22.
SEPT 20 Speaking at a press conference held by the recently formed Canadian Council of the World Council for Health, Sout African lawyer and activist explained the cosequences of terms of The UN Pact for the Future. (Starting at the 19 minute mark here: https://www.wchcanada.news/p/wch-canada-press-conference-bill,
SEPT 14 In his article entitiled. U.N. Summit of the Future will kick off Sept. 20-23 to build framework for new one-world 'system' independent Journalist Leo Hohnman interprets the UN's Pact for the Future in sobering terms "So they’re talking about scrapping the current world order based on sovereign nation-states and switching over to a new one — one that will be fully integrated under a centralized power structure and fully digital for maximized control of the masses." https://leohohmann.substack.com/p/un-summit-of-the-future-will-kick
SEPT 14 Dr. Meryl Nass posted critiques of 37 statements from the Pact for the Future here: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/37-statements-from-the-pact-for-the
SEPT 8 (Posted Sept 14) UN watchers writing as 'Interest of Justice' point out that with certain countries "breaking the Silence" on all three documents, there is some dissention in the ranks. Technically, the documents should not be considered approved at the Summit of the Future on Sept 23. https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/kicking-un-nwos-a-silence-broken
SEPT 12 . UN Watcher James Rogulski points out: The United Nations is NOT being fully transparent about the process leading up to the Summit of the Future (big surprise). At this moment in time, a consensus agreement has NOT been reached and the status of the three documents has NOT been honestly presented to the general public. Read more here: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/get-us-out-6f4
SEPT 12 - The World Council for Health Canada is sharing information about how the UN has violated its own policies. See a Declaration of Invalidity: Pact for the Future and related annexes and a Statement of Dispute: Common Agenda and Emergency Platform and a Objection: United Nations 2023 Political Declaration on pandemics
here: https://goalforge.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Un_Notice_And_Declaration_2024_Updated.pdf.
To send these to Ambassador Bob Rae use this office contact information:https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/international_relations-relations_internationales/un-onu/new-york.aspx?lang=eng
SEE MORE: https://www.wchcanada.news/p/urgent-action-before-the-un-summit
SEPT 3, 2024 - American UN watcher reminded Canadians to contact their Senators re: Canada's Pandemic Preparedness Bill.The original version included the requirement that a thorough review of Canada's COVID-19 response be included prior to legislating next steps. That requirement has been removed from the bill. See: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/the-pandemic-prevention-and-preparedness-act
August 29, 2024. Dr. Robert Malone wrote about the implications of the UN Summit of the Future for the USA. He plans additional posts on the three main documents. https://www.malone.news/p/globalism-the-un-summit-of-the-future
UN placed THE PACT FOR THE FUTURE under SILENT PROCEDURE till Sept 2, 2024. https://www.un.org/sites/un2.un.org/files/sotf-co-facs-letter-rev.3.pdf
August 26, 2024 - an UPDATE FOLLOWING SILENT PROCEDURE has been posted. Apparently some delegates from some countries did share concerns with some sections. https://www.un.org/en/summit-of-the-future/declaration-on-future-generations "In light of the foregoing, the Co-Facilitators will consult with the relevant delegations over the next few days to seek clarity on their rationales for breaking silence. Following these consultations, Member States will be apprised of the immediate next steps as the Co-Facilitators endeavour to maintain a concise, action oriented, ambitious and balanced text."
August 25, 2024 The Government of New Zealand has accepted a citizen-initiated referendum giving the organizers 12 months to seek signatures of 10% of registered voters on this question: “Do eligible voters wish for the Government to terminate New Zealand’s relationship with the World Health Organization (“WHO”) due to serious conflicts of interest between “WHO” and its private partners?” https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/nzexitsthewhocom
August 23, 2024 - The UN lets nations know that they need to register to speak at the Summit in September. IOJ asks: Is your country going to speak? Do you know what they intend to support or reject? https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/un-opens-expressions-of-interest (NOTE: The webmaster of this site has left a message with the office of External Affairs Minister Melanie Joly to ask for contact information for the office of Canada's Ambassador to the United Nation. Any Canadians reading this who know how to contact the Ambassador directly, please do so. OR contact your the Ministers office, keeping your Member of Parliament in the loop. Questions can include: Who is representing Canada? Will you register to speak? Do you support the use of a Three Day Silence Procedure? Have you seen the concerns Canadians have with the content of the Declaration on Future Generations? https://canadianshareablenews.substack.com/p/three-day-silent-procedure-at-the)
August 22, 2024 - The "Interest of Justice" posted a copy of the "Interactive Dialogues" that are planned to occur at the UN Summit of the Future from September 20-23. Questions include: In what ways can Member States, working through the intergovernmental bodies of the United Nations as well as engaging with diverse stakeholders, including regional organizations, civil society, marginalized and conflict-affected communities, and the private sector, collaborate more effectively to strengthen international governance mechanisms and promote peace and security worldwide? Our note: without transparency as to what is meant by "private sector" (which companies, chosen on which basis, given how much say relative to Member States, etc.) this enterprise seems flawed. See: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/summit-of-the-future-concept-note
World Humanitarian Day - August 19 https://www.un.org/en/observances/humanitarian-day This is one example of the UN actually doing what they were set up to do... work on War/Peace/Humanitarian issues.
August 17, 2024 - A letter was sent to Canadian Cabinet Ministers asking them if they were aware of the 3 Day Silence Procedure and of many concerns with the UN Declaration on Future Generations. (As of August 23, there have been no responses from the Ministers' offices.)
Augsut 16, 2024 - The "Interest of Justice" opened a petition to oppose the use of the Three Day Silent Procedure (a procedure meant to be used as a temporary work-around when COVID restrictions prevented UN committees from gathering in person.) https://whowatch.org/unsilenceprocedure (By August 23, 1300 signatures were gathered.)
August 16, 2024 - The UN Declaration on Future Generations was put on a Three Day Silence Procedure. This means three days after the third draft was posted, absent any commentary or objections, it woudl silently be deemed accepted. See this post by UN/WHO watchdog James Roguski.
PLEASE CLICK ON "BREAKING NEWS + LATEST DEVELOPMENT FOR the complete list once this page is full.
Please read the full article in this Technology News Publication and ask yourself why reports on this content are not showing up in mainstream news outlets: https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/globalists-world-govt-population-reduction-truth-commission-system-currency-un-charter/
See also Issue 22 of Canadian Shareable News for more content on this topic. (Link)
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